Thursday, March 8, 2012

"Harvest of Shame" - Feature Documentary

“Harvest of Shame” is a moving documentary that gives a depiction of how life for migrant workers is in the farms of America. I was really touched by the harsh realities that these people have to face everyday of their lives and that they really can’t do much to change it. I can feel the frustration involved with these people. They probably have to face the facts that getting out of that situation is hard. Maybe it’s not impossible but for that to happen will take a lot in so many ways. It almost seems in this piece that people in these conditions had to conform to a stereotype. The filmmaker does not make it seem that way at least not intentionally, but this is sensitive matter to these people and the unbiased take can make it seem like they are insensitive about the situation. It might not have been the manner they wanted it to be portrayed but I think that getting people to just keep talking about it is not going to solve much, I almost felt like wanting to reach out because they possibly felt so interrogated by the media. Sometimes the media wants to get their stories without considering others and their feelings, but I think sometimes it might need to be done for educational purposes like instructing others of the realities that the country is facing. People can be more aware of what others are feeling in those situations and be more sensitive themselves towards them hopefully.

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